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Advent III MaryPromisesย 

It was with some guilt that I turned down a coaching opportunity last night for Academic Ladder. I told Coach Susanne about finishing my book and said, “I need to keep my promise to myself.” Sometimes that’s harder than it sounds. She was incredibly gracious in receiving my decision. She even congratulated me on the manuscript and on making and keeping promises to myself. I nearly cried when I read her email.

Today I revised chapter 4: “Redeeming Humanity:ย How Clergywomen Embody Struggle and Sacred Presence in the SBC.” I cut over 900 words, and the chapter only needs footnotes repaired tomorrow. Feels great to keep my promises to myself, and to the women whose stories I’m telling.

2 thoughts on “Advent III”

  1. Wonderful news about yesterday. I’m off to the college library today to continue to write my thesis – your promises to yourself are a great encouragement and I’ve set myself a Christmas deadline which I’m working towards. Reflecting yesterday about how difficult is it to be creative when I often see advent as a time to receive, but of course when thinking of Mary’s pregnancy – there is growth in the waiting. Happy writing and footnoting today – holding you in prayer.

    1. Thank you, Christine – Being creative is a peculiar mix of giving and receiving, isn’t it? Somehow for me allowing what is already there and available to come forth is the trick. And once received the writing usually needs a little (or a lot) improving. I’m grateful to know you are in your library writing and working and holding vigil with me as we both do the worshipful work of writing. Blessings to you, EC

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